Comparison of one of the mini brains (right) to the developing brain of a mouse (left)
In the past years scientists have successfully grown organs like kidneys and livers is now they have successfully grown a mini brain. These grown organs will someday be used in transplants. Dr. Jurgen Knoblich analyzed human stem cell that has capacity to change into any other type of cell from the body.
They first found out neuroectoderm to be the starting material of all components of the nervous system. they put it with drops of gel in a bioreactor to make a three dimensional scaffolding for tissue growth. Within 15 to 20 days in the reactor the fragments formed into a continuous brain tissue called cerebral organoid.
After 2 months the brain reaches its maximum size and continue to thrive. These brains can be used for models understanding brain disorders and testing for treatments. They already had success for finding treatments for disorders and other things.